YellowBrickRoad (2010)

After taking a few days off and actually getting back into some of the sports writing that started my journalistic aspirations, I decided to jump back into my comfort zone. I love horror, and honestly, I love working on my blog here at The Ringmaster’s Realm, I would not change it for anything. Although, now that I am retired, I look to expand it more with some paranormal related trips, cryptid investigations, convention reports and hopefully, even a horror movie show. Until then though, I will focus on movies. Tonight’s entry is YellowBrickRoad from the guys at Bloody-Disgusting. 

Plot/ 1940: the entire population of Friar, New Hampshire walked up a winding mountain trail, leaving everything behind. 2008: the first official expedition into the wilderness attempts to solve the mystery of the lost citizens of Friar.

Wow, this was an interesting flick, which had just enough of everything to keep me interested.  The characters, while not perfect, were believable, the plot has some strange twists, the atmosphere is dark and heavy and the acting is solid. More of a psychological thriller than horror movie, this one did a very good job at creating the realism that can happen when the world around them change when faced with unknown. Having investigated some abandoned ruins in Connecticut and having some small confusing moments when we lost our way at night, I can definitely relate. Sure, it is not perfect. While there is blood and some violent moments, there is no gore. In addition, the ending is a bit of a challenge and I am sure does not work for everyone. , However, in the end, this is a decent movie with some great scenery and just enough weirdness to let it creep under your skin. Yes, it is not for everyone (especially not gore hounds) but it you like psychological movies that make you think, give it a chance.

For more films from Bloody-Disgusting like this or the horror comedy Chop, check out their website at


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