Starship: Rising (2014)

As I wait for my final group project to be placed into the folder for submission by our group leader, I had time to reflect on some of the Sci-Fi flicks I have watched over the past days. Next up for review from that list is the 2014 space movie Starship: Rising.  

Plot/ Starship One - the most powerful warship in the Federation, capable of destroying entire worlds. When the order is given to destroy the Earth, Flight Lieutenant John Worthy mutineers Starship One and takes on the might of the Federation.

I honestly have no idea where I begin with this one. There are some points that are decent, especially for a lower budget / non-mainstream film. One of those is the look, with solid CGI, and an overall skilled appearance. However, there are some issues that I cannot get past such as the uneven scripting, slow pacing, poor characters, and some extremely incoherent moments. In the end, this is a Sci-Fi film that I truly cannot recommend for anyone unless they are true Sci-Fi fanatics. For the casual viewer, this one may not suffice.


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