Plot: On Christmas Eve, an escaped maniac returns to his childhood home, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.
I remember watching this in the theater when it came out and was rather disappointed. I was a fan of the original and felt like this one took too many liberties in trying to create something that wasn’t. Watching it today, I still have some of those same feelings, but I was surprised to see how well it held up and I can view it in a bit of a different light. This is a 90s slasher about a decade too late. The characters are flat, the storyline is all over, and there are some head scratching moments. However, some of the visuals are rather good and there is more to like than I originally remembered. In the end, it’s far from perfect, but if you view it as just a holiday slasher it is fun. The original is much better, but that is usually the way it is.
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