It was a nice break today, no daughters, no wife, just
silence for a few hours. During that time, I was able to edit my short story
for class, do my Steelers 101 stuff, and watch a couple of horror flicks. After
some debate on which one I would review, I decided on the 2013 low budget flick
Germ Z.
Plot/ The military's attempt to shoot down an orbiting
satellite unleashes a space-borne epidemic on a remote, small town.
This low-budget indie flick is extremely uneven. While I am
used to these flaws with a viewing schedule full of independents, this one was
a bit different overall. This one actually had some solid acting, something
many other films of its budget lack. Unfortunately, the plot was a touch stale,
the pacing a touch off, and there is a lot of wasted time setting up story. On
top of that, there was really nothing special to set it apart from any of the
other flicks in this genre. In the end, while there were a few entertaining
moments, it was not enough to make it memorable in any way. Unless you have
nothing else to watch, there are better choices out there.