Monday, January 26, 2015

Jessabelle (2014)

Now that my weekend is over, it was back to the grindstone. Fortunately, I have a solid list of flicks that I must catch up on for the blog. Next up for review is an under the RADAR flick, Jessabelle from 2014.

Plot/ Returning to her childhood home in Louisiana to recuperate from a horrific car accident, Jessabelle comes face to face with a long-tormented spirit that has been seeking her return -- and has no intention of letting her escape.

After being disappointed by Annabelle, I was a little hesitant to jump back into a paranormal themed movie. Fortunately, I decided to look past that experience and give this one a shot. This movie, while a touch clichéd, featured some interesting aspects including a creepy atmosphere, a layered storyline with some decent twists, and some solid performances. More importantly, it kept me interested throughout while watching it with the daughters, something many PG-13 movies do not do. Sure, there is nothing new in this one, and it definitely reuses some of the southern accents that make Louisianan voodoo movies attractive. In the end, this one is entertaining and much better than I expected it to be. If you enjoy supernatural and voodoo themed horror, give it a shot! You could do a lot worse.

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