The Netflix movie Leave the World Benind, produced by Higher Ground Productions owned by President and Michelle Obama had been creating nquite a stir. Full of symbolism and Easter Eggs. I know, if you're reading this, you probably think I have my tin foil hat on, but, really, there is a lot to unpack. Even after watching it a third time, I keep finding more, so, check back from time to time.
Plot: A family vacation on Long Island is interrupted by two strangers bearing news of a blackout. As the threat grows, both families must decide how best to survive the potential crisis, all while grappling with their own place in this collapsing world.
A link discovered in a QR code on the above map takes you to the website for Lake Shawnee Amusement Park. This note abandoned park is open for ghost tours and tickets can be purchased to visit the location. But why in this movie that is type with messages and symbolism would this place be so prominent? That's a great question and one I have yet to crack.
With it being privately owned and a small opperation, i would doubt that it has the finances to take part in a product placement ad. In fact, it wasn't an ad at all, since it was hidden in a QR code on a map. The state of West Virginia may have had it added, but again there are many other historical kandmarks that would make more sense. So, let's look at the history.
Technically, Lake Shawnee Amusement Park dates back to the 1920s, when in 1926 it opened its doors to its first visitors. However, Lake Shawnee has a history that spends generations and some of those may play into the legends that run rampant in this area.
Built as a relaxation destination for early miners, proprietor Conley Snidow, Sr. Envisioned a vacation destination brimming with activity for the entire family. It had everything from swimming areas, rides, to cabins. Unfortunately, this would not last, and the park started to be plagued by strange accidents and deaths. This activity peaked in the 1950s and the shock locals began to lose interest, eventually firing the park to close in 1966.

After sitting dormant for decades, the park returned to life in the 80s with its signature ferris wheel and swings in tow. However, this new life as short lived, and the park shuttered after only three seasons due to rising insurance costs. It was one the parked closed that the owners made some incredible discoveries on the property that served to add to the lore telling the story of the original occupants, the Shawnee tribe, who seemed to vanish from the land in the 1700s. Included in the discovery was a mass grave, with the remains of thousands of Native Americans that were laid to rest in the property.
Of course, the disturbance of these bones during the years of construction and activity on the property could have set the different owners on a path of despair. Couple that with did of the mysterious deaths and the 1950s, you have a recipe for a haunted location.
If not the specific location, what about the area. Located in Mercer County, Lake Shawnee sits in the heart of Appalachia full of hunting and fishing (plus, some cool cryptids), but really nothing more. It is also in coal country, an industry under attack by the Obama's and the majority of those on the Left. Again, making it a strange place to be featured in the movie (especially since the power grid is hacked and coal was a backbone of the industry for generations).
I really have no idea what the meaning is, or if there is one, but my gut tells me there is something here with this. Maybe after more digging, I'll (or someone) will discover a reason, until then, I will keep looking. Do you have any ideas? If so, comment and let me know.