When I got home from work today, I was heckled to watch a scary movie by the kids. My selection after a quick check of material was the Haunting of Winchester House
Plot/ A family moves in to look after the Winchester mansion for a few months, and soon find themselves terrorized by vengeful spirits. With the help of a paranormal investigator they'll unravel the mystery of the house.
Having passed on this movie a few times, now that I have finally watched it, I have to wonder why. This was actually a decently creepy and atmospheric ghost story that had some appealing moments. Yes, the acting was uneven to poor, some of the effects were not the highest quality and some of the camera effects were way overused, but this flick was somehow able to rise above that and be somewhat successful. To me, it was the script and story that made this film go, it was attention-grabbing and combined with some eerie music, there were some chills. Throw in a awesome ending and bam, decent flick (Not Great but Not Terrible). Like many movies I watch and review this is not for everyone, but if you are a fan of the paranormal and supernatural driven entertainment, this one is for you.
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