Monday, November 26, 2012

Occupy Unmasked (2012)

After suffering through Airborne, I decided to get back into something more hard hitting. Yes, I guess it was time again to venture into documentary world. I was going to jump back into the 911 conspiracy, but decided against it, I needed a little bit of a change. I did not stray that far with my selection, Occupy Unmasked from 2012.
This film is driven by the late Andrew Breitbart, who died sudddenly from a massive heart attack in March 2012. In this documentary, he dove deep beneath the surface  of the movement, and documented it in a way that the mainstream media, who have turned their back on the American citizen, should have.
Plot/ Occupy Unmasked takes viewers into the Occupy Wall Street camps around the country from New York to Los Angeles providing a first-hand look at violence and intimidation occurring within them, as well as to expose those at the heart of the events and to reveal the highly orchestrated nature of the movement. Exclusive footage and eyewitness accounts document criminal activity and raw brutality in the camps the majority of these incidents have not been reported by the mainstream media, which has in contrast portrayed the Occupy movement as self-organizing and non-violent.
This documentary on the Occupy Movement is one of the better documentaries I have watched in sometime. Hard hitting, pointed and powerful, the information that is put on display again points toward a lack of truth coming from the mainstream media outlets. A solid combination of news footage, first-hand accounts, and investigative journalism shows the dark underbelly of this movement, and how it began from a bogus concert advertisement to an anarchist movement made up of privileged and uniformed supporters of the far-left (see Michael Moore). All the while, the movement gained support from the Obama Administration as their chaos grew.  In the end, this is an eye-opening documentary that shows the dark and violent side of this radical movement that the mainstream media failed to cover or portray in a true light.

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