Plot: A contemporary American family's attempts to deal with the mundane conflicts of everyday life while grappling with the universal mysteries of love, death, and the possibility of happiness in an uncertain world.
First off, I selected this for a few reasons not related to the movie in general, especially in light of the strange coincidences that place between today realities and the movie. In fact, those similarities (since I really don't believe in coincidence) intrigue me more than the movie itself. The fact that the movie centered in a fictional town in Ohio, was filmed in East Palestine, and that town suffered the effects from a major airborne toxic cloud makes it eerie; almost in a way that one could cry predictive programming with the recent events of train derailment in the same Ohio town. Having a creative writing degree, I know that takes place. However, since this was based on a book written many years ago, it would almost be impossible for the timelines to actually sync up. But, who knows. The movie itself is far from perfect and seems to jump all over the place with some bumpy transitions throughout in the story. There are some good performances (especially Adam Driver), but this seem to get lost in the over abundance of dialog. In the end, this is an interesting comedy, that seems to be rooted in our modern reality. It won't be for everyone, but it is a nice break from the craziness of the past few days.
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