Alligator (1980)

While I have been on a Sci-Fi kick lately,  I still love to go back to my youth for some of the horror movies that shaped my love for the genre.  To me,  some of the classic creature features from that era still hold their weight.  Yes,  there is some cheese and schlock,  but wasn't that part of what made the 80s awesome? Last night I went for one of those creature features, 1980's Alligator.

Plot: A herpetologist helps a detective track her flushed-away pet, now a king-size mutant called Ramone.

The creature features of the 70s and 80s were the best. Yes,  there are some duds, but there were also some classics that sprung up. While this one is not as memorable or as mainstream as Jaws or even Piranha, Alligator remains one of the better low budget creature features of the time.  Boasting an interesting storyline,  dark atmosphere, a solid cast,  decent performances, and some creative effects,  this one takes an urban legend to a new culture classic level. If you love classic low budget creature features and can overlook some of the flaws, you will definitely enjoy this fun B-Movie.


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