For many, the recent governmental events of deceit and an
apparent power grab into the liberties that have made our country great have
started to grate at them. Our founding fathers created one of the greatest
pieces of legislation known to man, founding principles that defined who we are
as a society as the greatest nation on the planet. Our Constitution, complete
with our inherent rights as citizens, applied the groundwork necessary to
flourish against all who tread in our path.
Today, our Constitution is under attack from many
directions. Globalist banks set on creating a New World Order and Global
Government are attempting to hijack our great nation. You do not have to
believe me, the evidence is everywhere. Government agencies devaluing the
dollar using illegal derivatives in conjunction with megabanks, vaccines being forced
upon our children containing formaldehyde, mercury and other toxins, and unconstitutional
laws such as NDAA allow indefinite detention without trial and the use of
propaganda against citizens.
Some may say I am a conspiracy theorist, yet, I consider
myself a conspiracy realist. I do not want to see a conspiracy, I do not want
to look around every corner for answers, but I am drawn to it. It is something
I have to do, especially now that the mainstream media has become the State Run
Media controlled by the government and aided by the propaganda act contained in
the NDAA.
What exactly is the NDAA or National Defense AuthorizationAct of 2013? Here is a link, read for yourself. Here are some highlights as it
pertains to this legislation: you may be arrested and indefinitely detained if
the president merely alleges you are a threat or terrorist. You no longer have
the right to legal representation (and are not entitled to a phone call, to an
attorney or family member). You can be held for life without being convicted of
a crime. Incredibly, an amendment that would have explicitly forbidden
indefinite detention was rejected. You no longer have the right to a trial by
jury of your peers and you can be executed without being convicted of a crime
Oh and what makes you a terrorist, anything such as speaking
out against the government, being active online to show extreme views, you love
liberty or the Constitution, or you exhibit unusual actions that catch the
attention of others. Honestly, it is anything that the globalists want to
create against you. This is truly Orwells’ 1984 on steroids and an ever-growing
Police State.
The great thing is, we can stop this tyranny by exposing the
tyrants and their atrocities against both citizens and the Constitution. Do
this on social media (facebook and twitter), film everything and use YouTube,
use blogs to push the real news that the State Run Media will not cover. If you
love freedom and liberty, we have to work together to make this happen. One
such event is Operation Paul Revere being run by Alex Jones and the Infowars Network.
This $100,000 pro liberty film contest will bring us all together and help
defeat tyranny.
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